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Partials are reusable chunks of content that can be included in any layout or page. They can be authored with a combination of markdown, HTML, and/or Handlebars expressions. Partials cannot have their own front matter, but they do have access to config data and page data. You can also pass data to them as hash arguments.

Creating Partials

Partials are defined declaratively. To add a partial, create a file in your partials folder. Your partials folder is called “partials” unless otherwise specified in your config.

Partial names map to their file location, minus the underscore and file extension. For example, a file named partials/ will result in a partial called my-partial that can be included like this:

{{> my-partial}}

Similarly, a partial located at folder/ will be available as folder/my-partial:

{{> folder/my-partial}}

Passing Data to Partials

When including a partial, you can pass data in the form of hash arguments. Hash arguments look similar to HTML attributes.

{{>avatar name="Doxicity" image=""}}

Aside from the usual config data and page data, this will also expose name and image to the partial.

To learn more about how partials work, refer to the Handlebars documentation .