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Using Handlebars

When working with data, you can use Handlebars expressions to show values and add logic to your markdown files. This page will give you a quick intro to using Handlebars.

For the sake of brevity, only page data will be shown in these examples. However, remember that you can provide both config data and page data to your pages.

Showing Data

Showing data is straight-forward. Wrap any property with two curly brackets as shown below.

name: World

Hello, {{name}}!

The published version of this page will say “Hello, World!”.

Nested Properties

Data can be complex. You may have nested properties that you want to access. This can be done by concatenating the names with a dot.

  firstName: Bob
  lastName: Marley

Hello, Mr. {{user.lastName}}!

The published version of this page will say “Hello, Mr. Marley!”.



You can conditionally render content using Handlebars’ {{#if}} expression.

willShow: true

{{#if willShow}}
  This will only show when true

If you want to provide fallback content when the expression is false, you can use the {{else}} expression.

willShow: true

{{#if willShow}}
  This will only show when true
  This will only show when false


Similarly, you can use {{#unless}} to do the reverse.

ready: false

{{#unless ready}}
  This won't show until ready

If you want to provide fallback content when the expression is false, you can use the {{else}} expression.

ready: false

{{#unless ready}}
  This won't show until ready
  This will show only when not ready


You can loop through objects and arrays using the {{#each}} expression.

  - Item 1
  - Item 2
  - Item 3

{{#each items}}

The published version of this page will include an unordered list with all three items.


You can include partials using the partial expression {{>partial}}. First, define a partial by creating a file. Let’s call this one and simply add the markdown syntax for a blockquote.

> Some great quote that somebody said

Then include it in any page using this syntax.

This is a quote


Did you like it?

The published version of this page will look like this:

<p>This is a quote</p>

<blockquote>Some great quote that somebody said</blockquote>

<p>Did you like it?</p>